Two people display a banner that advertises a water conference.

Update: CoCoDa

CoCoDa (Companion Community Development Alternatives) connects United States citizens, churches, service clubs, universities, and organizations with grassroots cooperatives and community development organizations in El Salvador and Nicaragua. The West Foundation is pleased to share this update on their behalf:

In a time of pandemic, being able to wash your hands is the most basic of needs. In 2022, thanks to the support of the West Foundation, CoCoDA successfully completed a solar-powered retrofit for the Acrasame Water System in La Mora, El Salvador. This project decreased costs for water by 60% by adding 96 solar panels to power the system’s pumps during daylight. While the system will occasionally need to pump at night, the reductions of electrical costs have both extended the sustainability of this water system and reduced costs to the families that benefit from the system.  In all, this project has impacted over 600 families and about 2100 people. This project works out to be an investment of $4.25 a year, per family, for 25 years of sustainable water.

In addition, funds were used to support two women’s health initiatives in response to the pandemic. The first was the construction of a private examination office for the La Mora Clinic, which allowed more privacy and safety during a time when quarantine and distancing were important.

The second initiative brought needed support to the Association of Midwives in the municipality of Suchitoto, El Salvador as they met the needs of pregnant women during the pandemic months when transportation to the local hospitals and clinics was both difficult and potentially dangerous.  Funding supported transportation costs as well as vitamins and basic equipment.  A video about this important work is available to view here:

Learn more about CoCoDa’s work at their website: CoCoDA – Connecting communities to communities; connecting people to people.