Learn more about the Qudrat School Project

1. Tell us about your mission.

In the words of Founder Jim Graham.

My mission is multifold. First, we support two schools that are located in a remote and densely populated rural area in  northern Afghanistan and work to educate a large block of women who – during the Taliban administration – were deprived of education. In providing educational opportunities, such as vocational training we can reach widows who have no education or ability to earn a living wage other than by begging door-to-door, pleading for food to feed their family. Many in this region have large families and without a breadwinner this can be challenging.

One of the goals we’ve put forth is to increase the education level for women who participate through participating in the basic literacy courses offered.

Learn more about why Jim Graham founded the organization in this IndyStar article.

2. How is The West Foundation supporting your mission?

The West Foundation has been a substantial donor of funds for our initiative and this has helped provide not only educational supplies but teacher income for  the adult female literacy program. Women who have completed the basic course have gone on to land fullfiling jobs to sustain their families.

3. What’s one important thing you want others to know about your organization?

Many women have achieved great things such as pursuing higher education and quality jobs. It is empowering to witness a widow – whose life was subject to begging transform themselves into a business owner.

4. How can people reading this help you?

You can make a financial contribution so that we can continue to fund the schools. We have well over 500 students enrolled and 50% are female. Also, we would like to ensure that Hakim Wardak who is on the ground and championing the cause has the funds to pay teachers he hires and supervises for the basic adult female literacy training.

6. What are your deepest needs as an organization?

Ideally, we’d like to find someone who has a high level of interest to continue to support Hakim and his work in transforming an entire generation of uneducated women and educating them; enabling the women to improve their lives.

Photo courtesy: Qudrat School