TechnoServe requests $10,000 in funds to expand its data analytics and reporting platform to include a module for tracking and monitoring and evaluation data from its entrepreneurship programs. Previous funding from the foundation had gone to the establishment and implementation of the cocoa production program in San Martin, Peru. Accelerating the growth and income of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the developing world is at the cornerstone of TechnoServe’s poverty alleviation model. However, the current project and data collection system for its entrepreneurship efforts has serious inefficiencies. TechnoServe’s coffee programs around the world have increased monitoring and evaluation efforts by using a modern, customized, cloud database system – PIMA. Expanding the PIMA system to include its entrepreneurship efforts will allow TechnoServe to capture field data using mobile tools, more effectively track results across multiple entrepreneurship programs and more efficiently make adjustment to increase overall impact. Given TechnoServe’s commitment to working with marginalized communities and direct alignment with the foundation’s vision for livelihood development at all levels of economies, full funding is recommended. Recommendation: $10,000