Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX)
Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) was granted $15,000 to sponsor the launch of a demonstration client through its new Common Reporting “MIX Gold” system, the purpose of which is to create a platform for the collection of reporting data that will be usable by funders and other partner organizations while at the same time decreasing the reporting burden on microfinance institutions (MFIs). This innovative technology follows a model similar to taxpayer preparation software; users indicate to which data consumers they wish to file, complete only the fields required by those entities and the software program transmits the date to the correct consumers. Users only enter data once, while the unique needs of each data consumer are easily met. Results from the demonstration will be used to garner subscribers to the system, with the ultimate aim of revolutionizing the means by which grantees and funders communicate and dramatically reducing the time spent by non-profit/non-governmental organizations in preparing reports for donors.
MIX delivers data services, analysis, research and business information on the institutions that provide financial services to the world’s poor. Committed to strengthening financial inclusion and the microfinance sector by promoting transparency, MIX provides performance information on microfinance institutions (MFIs), funders, networks and service providers dedicated to serving the financial sector needs for low-income clients.