Blue Planet Network (BPN)
Blue Planet Network (BPN) is in the midst of a two-year, $16,000 grant to strengthen and test its metrics and evaluation system, then implement the broad scale use of this tool among its member organizations. The project will provide members with a tool to systematically track baseline, output, and outcome measures. Use of consistent measurements and sharing of rich data throughout all projects, will allow BPN to help its members create more effective and impactful water interventions and improve access to safe water and sanitation around the globe.
Blue Planet Network (BPN) is a global collaboration network of 107 member organizations working in 27 countries to promote the adoption of effective ways to create sustainable water and sanitation programs. Member’s programs are managed and tracked across organization and region, from idea through implementation and long-term impact to improve outcomes. The organization maintains nearly $50 million of member program data that is easily accessed by others to identify and scale up solutions that work. All efforts are geared towards achieving BPN’s mission of exponentially increasing the impact of safe drinking water programs for people around the world.